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23 Apr 2004: Museum website security upgraded

In response to a number of recent hacking attempts, the Museum's website has undergone a security review.

In response to a number of recent hacking attempts, the Museum's website has undergone a security review. The Museum would like to apologise for any inconvenience or discontinuity of website service which may have resulted from the hackers' efforts, or the subsequent work on the website. However, we believe that the issue has now been resolved, and that the Museum website is now back in full service.
news headlines
20 Jul 2004: Museum galleries closed to public
28 Jun 2004: Now you can Ask the Museum!
23 Jun 2004: Museum on Tour - Brighton 21st July 2004
23 Apr 2004: Museum website security upgraded
18 Jul 2003: Museum shop opens for business
16 Jul 2003: Luoyang, China: Jin dynasty 303 found
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