welcome to the museum of techno
The museum exists to preserve, research and celebrate our shared techno heritage. The museum's collection may be traced back to 1837, to founder Sir James Soame's unique collection of badboy kickdrums.
We hope you enjoy the Museum's website and look forward to getting to know you on our forum. Enjoy your visit!
The Museum Team
dj michael redina rocks brazil
Friend and trustee Michael Redina is currently in Brazil, rocking Sao Paolo's finest clubs with a bag of tasty UK techno sprinkled with some music cooked up here at the Museum and our name all over the flyers. Mike's a force of nature on the decks, pure essence of DJ... So propz Mike, and if any of our visitors are in Sao Paolo, check him out!
prof donald wiltshire, museum curator, resigns
It is with great sadness that we report the resignation of our Curator, Professor Donald Wiltshire, who recently left us due to "having ballsed the place right up, but then I never even wanted to take on this godforsaken sh*t hole in the first place." Donald leaves us for pastures new, starting with a well-deserved holiday in ebaconline. Donald is a complex but quite brilliant man, and we wish him all the best for the future.
The Museum's own Dr Carl Loftus, holder of the Charles Franklin research fellowship, has been named as acting curator while the formal curatorship recruiting process takes place. Carl already has great plans for the Museum, including a new and improved website and an exciting digital record label. We congratulate Carl on his appointment. If you'd like to be kept updated on these and other stories relating to the Museum, subscribe to our newsletter. |